Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
TVB confirms that they will be airing Phoenix Quartet (30 episodes) after Saviour Of The Soul on 30th August 2006 (8.30pm). TV3 also gonna air Angels Of Mission beginning 2nd August 2006 (Wednesday) 6.00pm replacing To Get Unstuck In Time.
Below are the original news from
8月14日星期一起 刑事情報科20集 21:30
8月30日星期三起 鳳凰四重奏30集 20:30 -------------------> (10月8日星期日大結局)
Below are the original news from
8月14日星期一起 刑事情報科20集 21:30
8月30日星期三起 鳳凰四重奏30集 20:30 -------------------> (10月8日星期日大結局)
Monday, July 10, 2006
Dance Of Passions Postcards
DOP's postcards for promotion.
Just in case you guys haven't seen these postcards, so I decided to post up. I received the postcards from my aunt long time ago.
1. Moses(1) and Ada(2) postcards

2. The back of Moses and Ada's postcards((top, Moses), (bottom, Ada))

3. Charmaine(4) and Gigi(3)'s postcards

4. DOP's casts(6) and Bowie(5)'s postcards

5. The rest of the back of the postcards are the samething as Ada's one.
***********The number after the name in parentheses() indicate the cards' order in the bag I received.**************
Just in case you guys haven't seen these postcards, so I decided to post up. I received the postcards from my aunt long time ago.
1. Moses(1) and Ada(2) postcards

2. The back of Moses and Ada's postcards((top, Moses), (bottom, Ada))

3. Charmaine(4) and Gigi(3)'s postcards

4. DOP's casts(6) and Bowie(5)'s postcards

5. The rest of the back of the postcards are the samething as Ada's one.
***********The number after the name in parentheses() indicate the cards' order in the bag I received.**************
Saturday, July 08, 2006
All About Women Concert
Download Fun In Hong Kong gameshow, hosted by Hacken Lee and Nicola Cheung (just copy and paste the link to flashget)

--> credit to

Astro Interview (highly recommended for Charlian fans - an interview of Charlian before the 2006 Astro Awards) -- reuploaded
Here is the full version of the performance by Charmaine singing 黃沙中的戀人 and 纪念日during the All About Women Concert.
Part I
Part II
clips credited to bebe from
Below is the link to the All About Women Album downloads (includes all the 10 tracks in AAW album, Charmaine's MV and Dance Of Passion full themesong)
All About Women Album Link

--> credit to

Astro Interview (highly recommended for Charlian fans - an interview of Charlian before the 2006 Astro Awards) -- reuploaded
Here is the full version of the performance by Charmaine singing 黃沙中的戀人 and 纪念日during the All About Women Concert.
Part I
Part II
clips credited to bebe from
Below is the link to the All About Women Album downloads (includes all the 10 tracks in AAW album, Charmaine's MV and Dance Of Passion full themesong)
All About Women Album Link
Friday, July 07, 2006
Charmaine In Her New Advertisement

Receiving a lot of invitations from Mainland China advertisers, Charmaine recently shot a shower creme advertisement, baring her sexy shoulders. After finishing her advertisement project, Charmaine will be taking a break in US (Hawaii, where her mum stays).
Charmaine was very relaxed during the shot and finished filming with a single take. The filming crew praised her professionalism. The advertisers feel that [Dance of Passion]; soon to be broadcasted in Mainland China, will bring another wave of popularity, thus inviting Charmaine to work on this advertisement.
Because Charmaine has fondness for small animals, they specially arranged for a white cat to accompany her in the advertisement. Charmaine said that she really wanted a pet, but due to her busy schedule, no one will be at home to take care of them.
News translation from sehseh's blog

>>Charmaine bares her shoulder for advertisement

>>Updates with some photos of Charmaine

>> scanned by Patricia
You may download the [Runaway Princess] MV from sehseh's blog